Learn Reiki To Clear Your Stress & Anxiety
Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Certification Classes Now Available In Person
Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Certification Classes Now Available In Person
Ready to change your life? In person healing energy treatment sessions available now.
Ready to change your life? In person healing energy treatment sessions available now.

My Thoughts
My Thoughts
We are truly powerful individuals in spirit, mind, and body as we persevere amidst the constant bombarded of stress.
My intention is to assist and empower my clients to bring you not only relief from distress, but to also expand your awareness about self care from an energetic and emotional place.

My Advantages
Personalized Treatment: Receive a full individualized reiki treatment, energy healing, and wisdom session to succeed in life.
Comfortable Clinic: Calming, warm, and inviting clinic. Centrally located in the Vancouver, BC downtown area.
Licensed Reiki Master Member: International Center for Reiki Training Reiki Training Membership Association.
Wealth Of Experience: 14 years as Reiki Teacher, 20 years as wellness facilitator.
Practitioners Network: We will work closely with all your health practitioners.
Multiple Classes: I offer all levels of Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki classes.
Awards & Memberships