I am proud to provide my experience and insights to not only my clients, but that of a global audience, to help enrich their lives with more inspiration, awareness and empowerment.

Guest interviews on Business Talk Radio 1 USA talking about my holistic healing business and services as a Holy Fire Reiki Teacher and wellness facilitator.

July 30, 2019 Interview On Business Talk Radio 1

Topic: About Jose and how he got into Reiki.

August 30, 2019 Interview On Business Talk Radio 1

Topic: Why energy modules like reiki more accepted now? / Why I use reiki in my practice. / Why would a client come to see me for support? / How I work in my practice.

September 6, 2019 Interview On Business Talk Radio 1

Topics: Why reiki is important to help a person heal / If you don’t believe in reiki, can it still help you?/ Why people are stuck in their pain.

September 13, 2019 Interview On Business Talk Radio 1

Topics: Importance of energy to heal / Can Reiki help you if you don’t believe in energy? / Why I am still stuck in my inflammatory patterns / Understanding factors that affect one from healing.

September 20, 2019 Interview On Business Talk Radio 1

Topics: Why people are coming to reiki even if they don’t believe? Important to keep coming to do more sessions? I am too sensitive…something wrong with me! Whats involved process to learning reiki?